イエスは「全世界に出て行きなさい。すべての人々にこの福音を宣べ伝えるのです。」(マルコ16:15 JCB)と言われました。私たちはこの世界の全ての人々、そして一人ひとりが「イエスに愛されている」ということを感じてもらいたいと願っています。
The passion of our team at Anime Outreach is to follow Jesus- obeying what He commanded, and following the example that He set.
He commanded, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone,” (Mk. 16:15 NLT) so we want to help everyone we can to hear the Good News of the love that Jesus has for them.
In sharing this Good News himself, Jesus used “stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables…” (Mk 4:33~34 NLT) Those parables were examples from the everyday life of the 1st century Middle East that helped people of that region and generation to understand deep spiritual truth.
In following His example, we are using examples from the everyday life of 21st century Japan, illustrated through anime and characters who are regular, everyday Japanese people, to help Japanese understand deep spiritual truth and the love that Jesus has for them.
These anime that we produce are tools for outreach that we want to make available to Christians all over Japan and the world to help them be more fruitful in sharing the love of Jesus with anyone, at any time, and in any place.